MARCH 15, 2021
Goals Grow Where Energy Flows
Are you dreaming big, but playing small? I’m here to teach you how to change this through the art of goal setting.
The Power of Writing Down Your Goals
When you declare something to the world it has power. It can come from written words, visual depictions or even conversations with people around you. Until you embody this yourself and instill a belief that you are deserving of your goals, you're only halfway there.
How many goals can you count in your life that have been left unmet? Perhaps these are some areas you’re falling short?
Some people have goals, some don’t and for those who do and struggle to meet them I have some questions for you:
* Are you actually writing them down?
* If you're writing them down do you actually physically have a copy of them somewhere close that you can read them?
When you write your goals down, structuring it in a way that you can print it out or write it out and put it up is helpful because they become affirmations you see every day. A tip is to hang them on the back of the pantry door, or on your bathroom mirror that way they become part of your morning dialogue before you’ve even touched your phone.
If you wake up in the morning and see your goal you will start thinking about what you can do that day to move yourself towards that goal.
It sounds small, but I guess that’s the good news. These are small actions you can take daily. You can read your goals back whilst brushing your teeth, or mentally recite them over your breakfast.
Remember, what you focus on you move towards.
- Alisa Pettit
Positive Daily Rituals
Written by Alisa Pettit
It’s never too late for a lane change. Insite Mind is the brainchild of one woman who after a decade spinning in the hamster wheel of the accounting world gave it up to live out her heart work. But it didn’t come without challenge and a little nudge from the universe in the form of a book Dealing with Difficult People. Upon opening it Alisa was surprised to find in black and white text “maybe it’s you”. So after several ego deaths and many personal development books along the way Alisa Pettit found her way to coaching. Now a fully fledged positive mindset coach and personal mastery guru Ali’s work helps people find their way through mindset teachings.