Gratitude = Brainfood

Gratitude = Brainfood

MARCH 29, 2021

Gratitude = Brainfood

We’ve all heard the adage “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, but what about breakfast for your brain? Just as we eat when we wake and shower before we sleep, our brain needs the same nourishing rituals. Did you know that the first and last five minutes of your day are the most important? What we do in these times can have a huge effect on our entire day and how well we sleep!

Create New Rituals

If you’ve just glanced at your phone perched on your bedside table and felt a lump of guilt form in the pit of your stomach then this article is for you. How can we create rituals when we wake and when we wind down that set us up for success?

Every morning when we emerge from our Theta brain state we greet a day full of fresh possibilities. But, if the first thing you do is reach for your mobile devices those frequencies interfere with the delicate state of mind and can significantly impact your day. When I catch myself tempted by technology I remind myself “the morning is the rudder to my day” and think which direction do I truly want this day to take?

Gratitude is one of the highest emotions we can experience.

- Alisa Pettit

Rewire Your Perspective

So how do I get around this? Swap the tech for a pen and paper. Keeping a journal by your bedside gives you the chance to reflect on your dreams, note down some affirmations and intentions for the day or the week and perhaps even the space to list some things or people we are grateful for. In fact this is one of my favourite things to do, it’s like an immediate hit of happy hormones.

I like to write all the things I am grateful for over and over. Think, writing lines, but instead of it being a chore, each time you write the thing fills you with love and light. Who wouldn’t want to start the day that little bit brighter?

Just pick up that journal and start to write something positive! The best way to start off is to write down “ I am so happy and grateful for…… “ and then off you go. At first it might be the material things in your immediate space that catches your attention, but as you grow your gratitude practice you’ll find your conscious mind wants to go deeper and all of a sudden you’re thanking parts of your body (who would have thought?), your workplace, that stranger who smiled as they walked past yesterday. This is the beauty of gratitude, it ripples out and you better believe those around you feel it too!

Once you’ve walked through your day with present awareness, noticing the small random acts of kindness and love that go on around the world everyday you’ll notice you’ll have many things to emanate gratitude for before you hit the hay for night also. In just 10 short minutes each day you begin to rewire your perspective on the world and implement a routine that is nourishing for your mind and spirit.

Alisa x

Written by Alisa Pettit

It’s never too late for a lane change. Insite Mind is the brainchild of one woman who after a decade spinning in the hamster wheel of the accounting world gave it up to live out her heart work. But it didn’t come without challenge and a little nudge from the universe in the form of a book Dealing with Difficult People. Upon opening it Alisa was surprised to find in black and white text “maybe it’s you”. So after several ego deaths and many personal development books along the way Alisa Pettit found her way to coaching. Now a fully fledged positive mindset coach and personal mastery guru Ali’s work helps people find their way through mindset teachings.

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